Offerings of Healing
Private Session
Enjoy one on one interaction while comfortable and cozy at home. This Hypnosis session is safe virtual experience in the place you find the most solace. It has been noted that you can relax more deeply in your own environment and thanks to the magic of the video call you no longer have to travel to enjoy hypnosis.
This session will help you identify an intention and create a beautiful experience within the mind to help you achieve your goal.
Tap the button below to schedule your private one on one hypnotic experience
Hypnosis Packages
To support your Healing Journey…
Using the energetic information stored with in the throat to release the coping vices that are present and taking over your life. Have you tried to “quit” smoking cigarettes or Marijuana, drinking alcohol or overindulging in food? Have all your attempts in the past been temporary solutions? Using hypnosis and the knowledge of energetic storage will help you understand your vice and why you are using it to cope. Heal the hurt and you will no longer need to cope!
Coping mechanisms such as Smoking, alcohol and overeating, are ways in which we disassociate from our feelings and thoughts. This energetic information stored in your throat chakra can help you recognize your patterns and release you from the shackles of your Oral gratification Vice. This is not your typical “quitting” a bad habit program.
This is an Indepth healing journey for your emotional traumas to help you move beyond the need for your coping habit of choice that includes support.
1:1 Weekly Hypnosis Sessions
Physical Habit Accountability support
Monthly Virtual Group Meditation
Weekly Touchbase and support
In this 6 week Program you will learn :
About your throat chakra and begin to unravel who you are what you need; to walk away feeling seen, validated and powerful.
Re-engage with the Mind Body Spirit connection This is a way you communicate with your body as it always knows what it needs.
Healthy ways to move through physical habit addictions
Create a positive mindset that holds space for the full emotional spectrum. Its ok to have a sad moment on a happy day!
How your past created your outlook on life. If the lens is not supporting your highest and best self then we change the narrative through hypnosis
The Sacred Womb
This program is for both pregnant and not pregnant
The connection between the womb and the collective is powerful. The womb is a creator of life and it is time to hold space and heal the wounds stored in the sacral Chakra. The wounds that we carry are our own and that of the collective. To help birth a powerful balance of Feminine and Masculine.
This Program is a 40-week movement of healing for transmutation. It takes 40 weeks to create a human life and it will take 40 weeks to shift and recreate you connection to your Body Mind and Spirit. You will be rebirthed and renewed. Restore yourself and it will restore the collect energetic balance.
Radical transformation of self and the Human collective
Weekly themes and Reading Materials
Weekly healing prompts
Monthly Group Hypnosis Monthly
1:1 Hypnosis session/month
Community Conversation network and group discussion Prompts
It is time to move into motion the karmic wheel that has a hold on the human collective. This energy is stored with in our sacral. We are being called to release this energy and heal the human soul trauma stored with in. We must first heal ourselves. This will help to restore the collective and heal mankind.
Establish a Strong Mond Body Spirit Connection
Energetic Storage
Connect with Gaia
Remove dense energy
Understand and move through personal trauma
Engage with the spirit of the collective
Connect to guides
Balance the chakras
Understand how we relate to the world and recreate the lens in which we view the world
Learn self-hypnosis and how powerful our minds are
Raise your personal vibration
Connect to guides
HypnoBirthing Marie Mongan Method The original hypnobirthing method
HypnoBirthing ChildBirthing Education Class: 5 Classes
Using the original Marie Mongan Method Hypnobirthing you will learn the techniques of self-hypnosis to create a beautiful and empowering Birth. Learn everything you need to know about Childbirth, different birthing options from hospital to home from natural to Caesarean Breathing techniques birthing positions. This program is designed with mom in mind. After 5 weeks you will feel confident in your ability to instinctively birth your baby and create the birthing experience you want.
Past life regression and Time Line Regression
Travel Along your Souls time line to another place and time. Uncover the lessons your soul has experienced to help guide you in your current life. Remove energetic cords, better understand your Karma and re-experience your souls, journey. This type of self-exploration allows for an individual to rise above their current human experience and learn from their past. Imagine unanswered musings about who and why you are the way you are to be answered or even better Validated.
Create a healing goal and travel back with the intention to heal you in the now and allow for soulful expansion Energy knows no time or space you can go back on your life’s timeline and heal aspects of your injured self as they happened while being objective observer and your own hero.
The abilities of our own minds are boundless. It is time to use the many aspects of us to heal and no longer be under the suppression of fear and pain. You deserve to be light and reunite with the vibrations of the light as you are from this place.
Imposter Syndrome
It is time to move on from this limiting narrative….
This has become a common thread with Millennials as we navigate the changing landscape of society, professional environments and the energetic shifts. We as a generation and the ensuing, have incarnated to heal the collective and remove the former paradigm blocks and restrictions. In order to be effective in our purpose we need to unravel the generational trauma and human conditioning. It is then that we can embody a free soul and fulfill our soul’s mission. Imagine how far you will go no longer being held back by the idea that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, strong enough. You are enough and will discover just that through Hypnosis. This is a series of sessions over the course of 6 months that will help set you up for personal success. The world needs you to release all that is holding you back. Shine bright Darling.
Recognize Your Resistance- Self Sabotaging act are common for those who have been conditioned to believe everything has to be hard…
A Series of 1:1 Sessions designed to help you identify what is standing in the way of you becoming, being or doing…. Recognize then remove and replace the block. If it is not serving you or expanding you, it is time to let it go. You are meant for greatness. Time to clear the path to that greatness. Through a series 5 Hypnotic experiences including 1 past life regression and weekly touch bases we will understand what is really blocking you from achieving your dream. If you are open and ready let’s work together and get you to your goal and beyond. I believe you can do it.